Click this command and then pick the “bad” surface. It is in the Command Manager under the Surfacing Tab. The knife we are going to use is a command in SOLIDWORKS called Delete Surface. We are going to take a sharp knife and cut out the “bad” area and replace it with good surfaces, then stitch the model back together and make it whole again. The way forward is to think of the bad surface(s) in the model like a bad spot on an apple. Unfortunately this doesn’t always correct all the surfaces, leaving you with a model you can’t work with. Many times this will work, and your model will be healed and you will be able to continue working with it in SOLIDWORKS. If you hit the big button at the bottom of that menu ( Attempt to Heal All) it’s like hitting the easy button and then SOLIDWORKS will try to automatically fix the whole model!

If you hover your cursor over the list, you will see a brief description of the issue with the surface. This will show you where the bad surfaces are. (If you don’t see this then you may have at one time in the past hit the Don’t show again option). So how do we find out where the problem is? There are actually a couple of ways.įirst, when you originally import the STEP file you should see a menu that asks you if you would like to run Import Diagnostics. Although it looks OK, it is actually invalid. What could be the cause of this? Bad geometry is creating a bad part. However, when we try any modeling operations at all, even a simple sketch and extrude, it fails. As you can see by looking at the feature manager, this STEP file has read in and created a solid body.

This was a STEP file that we read into SOLIDWORKS. Find out where on the model the issue is.Similarly, when we read in a model from another CAD system into SOLIDWORKS, there can be issues as well. Sometimes there will be a loss of meaning in translation. Think of it like trying to translate a complex poem from one language to another. Any time you transfer a model from CAD system “A” to CAD system “B” there can be issues. Working with CAD models created in other systems is always a challenge.